Parenting Henri

this is about henri, and the parenting thereof

Henri’s going to be a big brother! 2012/04/14

Filed under: change is good,siblings happen,something to report — lee lee @ 10:47 am
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I guess since we’ve posted the news on Facebook, it’s only fair to update Henri’s blog as well… Yes, you heard right: We’re Having a{nother} Baby!

ETA ~ September 15th

That puts me at about 17 1/2 weeks right now.  I’d love to say that this is my second pregnancy and it’s much easier, or even that this is my second trimester and it’s much easier…but it’s not and it’s not.  So far, this pregnancy sucks as worse as or much, much worse than the first. I can’t decide which is true because my mommy memory just doesn’t go back that far.  Honestly, I keep trying to stretch it back to those days when Henri was still the size of some sort of fruit, but I can’t remember what it was like.  However, the few memories I have are of eating at Qdoba, so I must have felt better than I do now!

The real question is, though…how does Henri feel? A 41/2-year-old only child, about to become a big brother? I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me nervous.  But Henri really seems excited. Just this week he has decided it’s a boy (we’ll get an u/s in the next week or so to confirm his prediction).  And he’s helped us come up with some great names, my favorite of which is “Stick.”  We’ve also had some “real” mommy/son conversations about what the birth will be like, such as:

H: Mom-mom, will it hurt when the baby comes out of your vagina?

M: Yes. Yes, it will.

Most likely, Henri has no real clue how his life is going to be turned upside down and shat upon (multiple times a day) and he won’t have a clue until this thing happens.  Hey–neither did we until Henri came along (see the first four years of this blog)…But we’ve taken the “Is Your Child Ready for a Sibling?” test and I’d say we’re doing pretty well in balancing preparation with continuing to spoil him so that he feels like no one can ever replace the special place he holds in our heart.  <true story>

As for the next child…I’m sorry, but I do not envision little baby Stick having his/her own blog. To be honest, it might not even have a bed or diapers.  (Thinking of going au natural this time around.)  The one thing we know for sure that it WILL have is a mom who knows exactly what it feels like to be #2.  That’s got to count for something.