Parenting Henri

this is about henri, and the parenting thereof

Preschool: That Wasn’t So Hard 2011/09/06

Last Tuesday was Henri’s (MY BABY!!!) first day of preschool.  Not surprisingly, I was a wreck, but managed to hold it in until he’d been dropped off.  McKnight accompanied us, which was a good thing–otherwise, I’d probably never have left (MY BABY!!!).

In typical Henri fashion, he was absolutely fine.  His only sign of distress was when I told him Mommy & Daddy were leaving. Sort of under his breath, in his crazy voice, he said: “That’s cra-azy.”  But he was fine!  This is the kid (MY BABY!!!) who was grateful for his own room at 9 months, so, yeah.  Not surprised.

Teacher’s Note from the first day: Henri “quietly observed” what we did today. That’s my cautious guy. 🙂

When I dropped him off today, new faux-hawk all spiked up, there was another kid–a 2-year-old–screaming like hell for his mom.  I had to thank the Lord that my child doesn’t do that. Truly, I wouldn’t be able to leave.  Also, it made me proud. Way to go, H-man!  No need to freak out when the mom-mom leaves.

Last night at the dinner table: “Why do I only go to school 2 days when I want to go right now?”  Whoa, now.  That’s taking it a little far…  Mom-mom needs to work up to this full time separation thing.